Hello and welcome, My name is Paulmer and this is my site!!! This is my awesome space on the internet! I hope you enjoy my strange duct-tape website or at least find something interesting in it. This is my 'big' return to neocities! I've been gone for a while, and so much has happened so excuse active site construction and copious edits! This site is a place where I plan to store information about my characters, art, and any text-based webgames I create :)!
This website is made through digital scrapbooking meaning I find photographic assets from all over the place and add, edit, and piece together, this website is NOT intended for promotional, or commercial purposes and is purely a labor of joy, love, and appreciation. If I do not directly claim an asset as mine you can assume it is NOT mine. As such, if you recognize your work and would like it taken down or creditted PLEASE do not hesitate to contact me on discord @ paulmerzplace .

LATEST UPDATE: Site cleaning + homepage overhaul!!! 9/26/24